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Information and Communication Systems Engineering

General description of the work

In order to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport become to the international standard airport, with modern airport as the third terminal to build the target, so that passengers and freights can easily reach the destination. To provide “Prior Sufficient Preparation” service to various usasge groups in the airport is the main characteristic of an intelligent airport. Usage groups include (but not limited to) airport company, airline company, shopping mall, air duty, ground duty, travelers and government authorities etc. Such itelligient airport has to pre-collect and analyze related information in order to provide complete and efficient service to usage groups so that various usage groups can have a better airport service experience.

Construction progress

This project was awarded on November 3, 2017 and declares the Commencement day on December 6, 2017, is currently early document submit and design stage, so no construction progress.


1. 1188 calendar days or within 150 calendar days from the next day when the main engine room is delivered to the last machine room and stable electricity and air conditioning are available for ICT test operations.

2. Detailed design mid-term report and final report, the review period is not included in the construction period.

System composition